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[r] and [l]

많은 사람들이 헷갈려하는 R 과 L 발음! 

그 만큼 많은 연습이 필요합니다. 

[r] 발음할때 혀 끝이 입안에 닿지 않게 노력!

1. Ruby met her Russian friend at a restaurant.

2. I'll run overnight to get to her house and give her roses.

3. That story is so terrible.

4. Rita's parents got married in Greece. 

5. The priests prayed in the prison for the prisoners.

6. Tracy took a train to find a treasure. 

7. That bare is so rare. 

8. My friend is a doctor whose wife is a teacher.

참조: 영국 발음에선 r 을 약하게 하기도 합니다. bare 베얼이 아니라 베어~ 이런식으로..

[l] 발음할때 혀 끝이 윗 니 뒤를 살짝 닿게

1. Jane loves the lilies in her garden. 

2. It took a long time to correct the wrong answers. 

3. Clive slammed the door.

4. I don't know how to clean the glass.

5. Cheese is made from milk.

6. We watched a film about war. 

7. I can speak English very well. 

3,4: l 이 강하게

5,6,7: l 이 약하게 

'English > 발음' 카테고리의 다른 글

[t∫], [dℨ], [ℨ]  (0) 2015.01.12
[m] and [n]  (0) 2015.01.11
[θ] and [s]  (0) 2015.01.03
[d] and [t]  (0) 2015.01.03
[k]. [kw]. [g]  (0) 2015.01.02